Salesforce Student Stories

Yemisi Daisi, Abuja

Yemisi Daisi, Abuja

My name is Yemi and I stumbled on Heels and Tech and decided to check out their page. I actually got interested in transitioning into Tech from the many articles and testimonials I saw on their Instagram page.

My background is in Banking Operations which I did for about 13years.Although I have thought of doing something else but Tech was never really a part of it because all I think of is how do I learn all those programming languages etc. but I got to understand from Heels and Tech that I can actually learn being in the Tech space without coding.

I decided to take the Salesforce Training since I have a bit of experience as a Customer Service Officer.My experience during the training was good as I was able to better understand how some platforms work backend having being a user and how being in the Salesforce ecosystem will give my career a lift. Our facilitator Mr Salami was very helpful and always ready to assist. We were able to learn how to build a platform app from scratch. He tried his best to cover as much as he can during the allocated time for the training.

Heels and Tech has helped in kick starting my career in Tech as I intend to pursue my new found interest in Cloud Computing as well as acquire the necessary certifications.

Thank You heelsandtech.

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