
What is Business Analysis: 13 Questions about becoming a Business Analyst

What is Business Analysis

What is Business Analysis: 13 Questions about becoming a Business Analyst

Business analysis is what I like to call the key to drive business growth and solving problems facing any business.

Do you remember that time in 2019 when Snapchat was drowning in the pool of losses? Users were leaving the app. Then Rihanna and Kylie Jenner quit using it too. As if it couldn’t get any worse, Facebook copied the most-loved features of Snapchat and pasted them on Instagram. It was a catastrophe.

Suddenly, during the lockdown, Snapchat metrics skyrocketed again. It came as a surprise to everyone. But not us at Heels and Tech ?. 

Why? Because we know what fairies performed that magic. Yes, you guessed right; business analysts.

Business analysts are the techies most loved by business owners around the world. 

Because they make all their business problems go away and then go a mile further to discover untapped business opportunities for them.

Another thing that makes business analysts awesome is how they can work in tech and non-tech companies.

We already touched ground on business analysis in 17 tech jobs that don’t require coding skills and 22 frequently asked questions about breaking into tech

However, more questions poured in about business analysis. I see you techies know a big fish when you see it.

So, here it is; the ultimate guide to becoming a business analyst. 

We will answer all the questions you asked and many more that will pop up as you develop more interest in this big-fish career.

Get your popcorn ready. We have loads of information for you!

We will break down (into digestible bits, of course) who a business analyst is, the career options, the pay, and how to get a job as a business analyst with no experience.

First things first, let’s introduce the personality of a business analyst to you :).

This article contains figures from Glassdoor and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Who is a business analyst? What do they do?

A business analyst is a connect-the-dot person between the non-technical and the technical team of a business. 

Any organization that wants to improve its efficiency, reduce cost, and of course, generate more revenue will need a business analyst.

That’s because the bulk of the work a business analyst does is to understand the business itself. Like, the business goals and the daily business activities.

Business analysts then identify problems that the business has and map out solutions to improve them. Improving the business usually means automating the business process by software use.

Let’s dial back to the Snapchat hullabaloo. What did business analysts do about it? First, they identified the app not working well on Android, the redesign as some of the problems behind the loss. 

Then they solved it by addressing those problems and then added more business solutions like giving users augmented reality on the app as though they were trying on new clothes in person and allowing top companies to run ads.

A business analyst interacts with everyone running the business, from the top guns like the CEO, the directors down to the people behind the scene making it happen. That is the product managers, the IT personnel, and the stakeholders.

And because I already promised to make this post not too technical and into digestible bits, here is a video of a business analyst graciously showing us a day in their life:

That brings us to the next section in this article. The skills you need to be a super business analyst everyone wants on their payroll. 

The section right after has all the deets about how big the pay is and the career ladder in business analysis, do not skip ?. 

What skills do I need to excel as a business analyst?

Here are the top 9 skills you need to hone as an excellent business analyst:

  1. Communication skill
  2. Listening skills
  3. Analytical thinking
  4. Requirements elicitation
  5. Meeting management
  6. Visualization
  7. Writing and Documentation skills
  8. Negotiation skills
  9. Problem-solving skills

To excel as a business analyst, you want to stay on top of things. You should hold meetings regularly to make sure the technical team is building the software (business solution) correctly. So important. You don’t want this happening:

Recall I said a business analyst is to solve business problems? Well, you really can’t rely on what the client tells you on a surface level to do that to the tee. It is up to you to analyze what exactly the problem is.

Get creative with your questions, and listen closely to what people working with the business are saying till you hit gold.

Once you have gathered all of that information, you want to document it. Yes. That’s where the writing and documentation skills come into play. You should always write down the insights you gathered and your strategy to tackle the issues. That way, you never forget a thing, and you can always refer to your document to track your progress with the project.

Another skill you want to hone as a business analyst is visualization. The solution you have in your head for the business might not be executed well if it is not visualized in an easy-to-understand manner for the technical and non-technical teams. It could be in the form of a diagram, a chart, or a process flow. Business analyst tools like Visio will make this so much easier and simpler for you.

So far, we said the business analyst solves the problems facing the business. But what about the issues that tend to show their ugly face when people collaborate on a project?

Business analysts have to bring their A-game to solve these problems too. You need to hone your negotiation skills to ensure all the conflicted parties are happy with your solution. Else, your project will come crumbling as a snow castle lit ablaze.

Your negotiation skills also come into play when the client is not receptive to the changes you want to put in place for their business.

If you look closely, you will see that these skills have something in common; communication. Communication is the queen mother of all the skills you will need as a business analyst.

Your solutions, however perfect they may be for the business, won’t mean a thing if your teammates do not understand why it is necessary and how to make it possible. Not exaggerating but, she is:

Do business analysts get paid well?

Oh yes.  Business analysts earn an average of 75,894 USD. It isn’t much of a surprise that business analysts are paid so well. Doing essential work for an organization is quite rewarding.

Is a business analyst a good career? What’s their career path like?

Here are nine top career paths or options for a business analyst:

  1. IT Business Analyst
  2. Business System Analyst
  3. Senior Business Analyst
  4. Salesforce Business Analyst
  5. Business Analyst-Consultant
  6. Chief Executive Officer
  7. Enterprise Business Analyst
  8. Business Intelligence Analyst
  9. Solutions Architect

Yes, working as a business analyst is a good career choice. As you must have guessed by now. 

The thing about being a business analyst is you can work in any industry, tech or not. Another flex as a business analyst is you never have to worry about being laid off. You are like the queen in a chess game and an essential part of any sector that seeks growth.

Not just that, being a business analyst means you can choose to work in an office or remotely. And if you like being your boss, you can become a business analyst or management consultant, or even climb the ladder in any company up to the managerial positions. Yes, sis. You can become a CEO in a company that isn’t yours by being a business analyst.

Does a business analyst need to code?

The simple answer is no. A business analyst has no business coding. Sure, you would need to understand what the IT department does but, that is as far you go.

Can a business analyst work remotely?

One of the fun things about being a business analyst is flexibility. 

You can work remotely or in-person as a business analyst. Most business analysts do the bulk of their work at home.

Can a business analyst become a CEO?

This is another reason business analysis is so versatile. You can work (without breaking a sweat) your way to the top if you choose a career in business analysis. 

That is because you naturally do a lot of management or overseeing. You oversee the project, you manage the project teams, and your skills as a business analyst mostly equate to that of a CEO naturally.

How do I start a career as a business analyst with no experience?

  1. Acquire business analysts skills.  
  2. Get familiar with the tools business analysis use
  3. Work on a live project
  4. Position yourself on LinkedIn as a business analyst any organization would love to have
  5. Polish your resume
  6. Apply for jobs
  7. Nail your tech interview as a business analyst

The first thing you need to do, of course, is to acquire BA skills. You can do this by enrolling in a course that will teach you the in and out of being a business analyst. 

But how would you be able to convince your potential employers that you have mastered those skills? That’s where working on a live project comes in. If you’re wondering where to find a business analyst project to work on, consider volunteering in a non-profit organization.

The third step is to start networking. LinkedIn is the best platform for networking. You can find and connect with business analysts for free.

Another great thing about LinkedIn is the job feed. You can apply for jobs on LinkedIn. The recruiters check out your profile, and if you polished it just right, you get an interview. 

Why else do you think we always do an audit of the LinkedIn profile of our students? Get over there, like right now. 

But wait a sec, before you start applying for those business analyst jobs, make sure your CV is polished to a shine. You will have to pardon my emphasis on the polish.  It really is the secret, though. 

The only way to get a recruiter interested enough to even look at your LinkedIn profile is to apply with a resume that is simply impossible to cast aside. Again, it’s no secret that we do a free audit of the CV of all our students ?. 

Olubusola is a student of ours who decided to switch from banking to tech. She enrolled in our Business Analysis course. Now? She works as a Chief Information Officer or Digital transformation consultant. No prior experience. Here are all the deets.

The final step to becoming that hotshot business analyst (with no prior experience) is to ace your interview. A good time to check out these tips for a successful tech interview right now. Don’t wait till you start getting noticed on LinkedIn. 

Is certification necessary for a Business Analyst?

Certification is not necessary for you to become a business analyst. Neither is it the secret to get a job as one.

Certifications are good to have as you advance in your career as a business analyst. But, it is not a necessity. 

We know this how? Well, because many of our BA students got their jobs without one.

What you need the most are the skills and projects to show for it.

Which is a better career option: Salesforce admin or business analyst?

A Salesforce admin and a business analyst are good career options. 

According to IDC, Salesforce and its ecosystem are expected to enable the creation of 4.2 million jobs worldwide between 2019 and 2024.

There are no doubt businesses will continue to use Salesforce. And more will switch to it as they expand. Sounds like a lot of job openings for professionals that can operate it to me. Here is a detailed post on who a Salesforce admin is.

Business analysts are not taking the rear either. As long as businesses continue to prioritize growth and efficiency, business analysts will remain highly sought-after. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that demand for business analysts in this field will increase by 11% between 2019 and 2029. Which is much faster than average for all occupations

But! Do you know which is better? Being a Salesforce business analyst! 

Imagine combining two highly sought-after skills. That would earn you a tech baddie badge. No cap. 

We have more details for you about the scope of work and salary for a Salesforce business analyst later in this article. Jump to it.

Elizabeth and Esther are just two tech baddies that combined our Salesforce and Business Analysis courses. When did they bag a job? Way before they even completed their training with us. 

Here’s Esther sharing her success story with us. Elizabeth went ahead to show us how a beginner in the tech sphere gets a job.

As an HR professional in Nigeria seeking to relocate to Canada, do I take the BA course or the CRM course?

You can take either of the two courses. However, a much better prospect is to take both the Salesforce CRM and the Business Analysis courses. Enrolling in these two courses will equip you as a Salesforce Business Analyst. That will give you an advantage in many ways when applying for jobs in Canada.

A salesforce business analyst improves the business efficiency and processes in Salesforce. As for the pay? They earn between 63,008 – 140,375 USD yearly. The demand for Salesforce business analysts is global too. 

Here are over 150 new job ads from Canadian companies looking for a Salesforce business analyst on LinkedIn, and Indeed.

As a Nigerian who does not plan to relocate to Canada, What are my benefits for taking your BA course?

  1. You can break into the tech industry and get a high-paying job as a beginner business analyst.
  2. Taking a BA course will help you upskill or boost your career in your current industry.
  3. Having business analyst skills will drive better results to your work.
  4. You can work remotely as a business analyst.

Taking the business analysis course on our website comes with a lot of benefits for you in Nigeria. Yes. Business analysts in Nigeria are making it big too. 

For starters, new job openings are posted regularly within Nigeria for business analysts. Beginner-friendly too. See those listed on LinkedIn and Indeed. You can also upskill with a business analysis course. This is especially recommended for those working in the financial sector. 

Are there any prerequisites to taking the BA course? After training how do I go on to conquer the world in Business Analytics?

No, there are no prerequisites to taking a Business Analysis course. Anyone can become a business analyst.

After taking the business analysis course on Heels and Tech, you would feel more than ready and confident to take on any BA job, anywhere in the world.

That is because you will learn all the tools, techniques, and processes a business analyst needs straight from facilitators that have worked with fortune 500 companies. 

Here is a free webinar of facilitators introducing waterfall and agile to our business analyst students. Two tools that come in handy for problem-solving projects. 

You will build your digital product (something recruiters love to hear), and we will support you every step of the way as you apply for jobs and even after you start working as a business analyst.



In a nutshell, business analysis means solving problems facing a business. A must-have for any business that wants to grow. In this article, we explained:

  1. What business analysis is
  2. Who a business analyst is and what they do
  3. The skills every business analyst should have to excel
  4. The career options for a business analyst.
  5. How to get a job as a business analyst with no prior experience
  6. Why the Heels and Tech Business Analysis course is so good

. . .and so much more!

Do you find meeting and working with new people exciting? Do you love solving problems? Are you interested in a remote job that comes with mouth-watering pay? Then you might love working as a business analyst!

A job well done as a business analyst means a happy client with a bigger and better business. 

If you are interested in taking the business analysis course, you can get started here. Feel free to request a free consultation. We are here to answer any questions you may have.

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