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Top Female Lawyer Who Transitioned Into Tech 

Top Female Lawyer who Transitioned into Tech

Top Female Lawyer Who Transitioned Into Tech 

When law meets tech beautiful things happen.

Today, you’ll be reading the story of this lawyer who successfully transitioned into tech.

If you’re a lawyer or you’re planning to be one, we’d like you to know that even you can become a tech expert. You can work as a lawyer and still have a great career as a tech expert in one of the largest firms there is.

In fact, your knowledge of tech can add more crowns to you as a lawyer. It’s a digital world and things are changing really fast. No matter your background, even with zero experience, you too can become a tech expert in no time.

We do hope the story of this amazing lawyer who chose to pursue a career in tech inspires you. If you want to change your career, then this story will inspire you richly.

“I Want To Change My Career”

Just a few months ago, Adepeju, a well-doing lawyer who studied at the University of Buckingham, messaged us and told us of her interest in changing her career. The wife and mother had taken a special liking to the business analysis course. She saw our advert on Instagram and piqued interest in training with us.

We are always happy to have new students on board, so we welcomed this fantastic woman with open arms. She paid for the course and was soon taking classes. One would expect her to 

have a tough time or even get frustrated because of the generic “tech is hard” talk. Was that the case for Adepeju? Read on to find out.

top female lawyer who transitioned into tech

“I Am Using Tools And Feeling Like One Tech Guru”

Dear Adepeju was enjoying her classes in no small way. Even though it was a little challenging adapting to all the technical stuff, with the help of her amazing course instructor and free mentorship program, Adepeju was able to scale through.

Once after completing a practical project and being commended for the great work she did, she said she felt like “a local champion”. Ha-ha! We’re building winners and nothing less at Heels and Tech. That didn’t come as a surprise to us ?.

Handling being a wife, mum, and career woman and still having to learn something new by the side wasn’t easy. She had to put in extra work to make it work. We were always ready to encourage her whenever she felt overwhelmed. We understand that some of our students are busy people; they have a whole lot to handle. This is why we make things easy for them and encourage them to take one step at a time. 

After a few weeks, Adepeju completed her classes and graduated with her classmates. It was amazing! She was set to handle any job role that demanded her skill set and further practice all she learned. She proceeded to get her Salesforce Certification certificate, started job hunting, and built her brand with our guide, and soon we received the first good news.

New Job Alerrrttttâ€Ĥ!

Big news!

It was all joy and excitement as Adepeju shared her testimony with us. She got a new job with one of the richest firms in Nigeria. She is currently working as a Salesforce Analyst, and is enjoying her job so well!

Congratulations Adepeju, you made the journey from Law to Tech! We see how beautifully you combine your experiences to give yourself the best of your career.

“I Passed It” — Salesforce Certificate in the Bag!


We received the next big news from Adepeju. She had passed her Salesforce Certification exam. It is a really important exam for a Business Analysis Salesforce Administrator. It was a huge win! Congratulations, Adepeju! We are proud of you.

If She Can Do It, So Can You!

Adepeju has proved that transitioning into tech with zero experience is possible! You can do it too. 
If you’d like to become a techie, no matter your level of experience and what you know about tech, just spare 30 seconds to go through our course catalog and enroll for the one that interests you. If you are unsure which course to enroll in, talk to us on any of our social media platforms or take the career quiz.

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