
Top 15 Most Successful German Women in Tech

Top 15 Most Successful German Women in Tech

Top 15 Most Successful German Women in Tech

Women in Germany are doing big things in the tech industry! You have probably read about the impacts they’ve created or benefited from their inspiring contributions. 

These women through their contributions and achievements have proven over and over again that tech is not exclusive to men, and women can slay tech wonderfully. They have indeed made an impact in the world through the technology sector.

Meet some of these amazing German women and learn about their achievements in the tech industry!

Zoe Adamovicz

Zoe is the CEO and founder of Neufund- a blockchain-based platform that enables fundraising for investors and is an advisor to the German government. She is passionate about building technology businesses that impact lives and are positive, at the same time powerful and brings profit.

Julia Bösch

Julia is the founder of Outfittery- an online personal shopping service that delivers garments individually selected, to customers. She is focused on developing AI algorithms to inform the service’s recommendations. Julia is enthusiastic about e-commerce and the technological possibilities it brings. She is highly recognized in Europe as one of the female founders in the tech industry.

Andrea Wasmuth

CEO at Handelsblatt Media Group, Andrea always wanted to be in the media sector from a very young age. Her dream job was to become a news anchor and she utilized that drive and determination and has become what she is today, a widely known broadcaster. She is also seen as a top voice for women’s empowerment in the technology industry.

Bettine Schmitz

Partner and Founder of Auxxo Female Catalyst Fund, Bettine seeks to improve the access to capital for female business owners. She has gotten up to fifteen million euros for the company. She believes and invests in start-up businesses where at least one woman is on the management team and women have and hold shares of at least twenty per cent. Bettine is a mathematician, who believes that women are more successful at starting companies with little problems in finances, hence her venture.

Vera Schneevoigt

Chief Digital Officer of Bösch Building Technologies, Vera is an experienced IT manager with expertise proven in digital transformation. She plays a big role in business advancement and development strategies. She’s a fighter and advocate for a fairer society.

Vidya Munde-Mueller

A Master’s degree holder in engineering, Vidys helps other entrepreneurs go through the ins and outs of business building. She does this as the Director of the Founder Institute in Frankfurt. Vidya is known to be a social tech entrepreneur who is currently working hard at creating a mental health app that will be beneficial to several universities. She has more than fourteen years of experience in the world of telecommunications and aerospace. She is also a consultant for many businesses that need ideas and advice.

Diana Knodel

Model in ed tech, Diana is the founder of App Camps, a nonprofit organization with the mission of igniting young people’s interest in technology and programming. The company portrays itself as the greatest platform for teachers’ professional development in Germany. Diana wants to make sure that no student is left behind and has fair access to learning the essential digital skills. She also hopes that by properly preparing teachers, students will want to learn. She aims to demonstrate the importance of education in transforming our world for the better. Diana has been recognized as one of Germany’s top women in this digital age.

Obi Felten

She is the founder & CEO of Flourish Labs- a mental health start-up that fosters good mental health. She is globally recognized as a digital pioneer who is always looking for the next innovation to bring. Obi thinks of world problems and creates solutions fit to solve them. She has taken on big projects such as launching Chrome and Android and taking them from zero to five hundred million users; Amber project which uses brain-based biomarkers and machines that are learning to measure anxiety and depression, etc. She is an advocate for women of colour and other marginalized groups in technology.

Olga Nevska

Olga is known as a facilitator. She is the CEO of Deutsche Telekom Mobility Solutions, who is in charge of providing transport solutions for employees. Ogla believes that every company should be the provider of the mobility of their employees, not only leaving it to the government or districts. She launched an app for the team members of Telekom to use and exhaust all the mobility solutions open to them. She is known to strengthen bonds and advocate for women.

Kati Ernst

Kati, with her partner Zeller, seeks to make women more confident in themselves through their innovative products, and also cheer them on to start their businesses. She is the founder of Ooia which aims to take the taboo and ill reputation out of the mentions of menstruation, tampons and pads. Through this product, Kati wants to enable women to live more freely and self-determined. Their company offers less plastic, more sustainability and more durability.

Bassant Helmi

She is a networker who connects women and female entrepreneurs with her platform Her Women in Business. Bassant strongly believes in female power and incessantly hints at their contributions to a diverse environment in Germany. She is the founder of Global Project Partners- an association which supports women in setting up profitable and long-lasting businesses. Her network has connected more than two thousand female entrepreneurs since they started.

Özlem Türeci

Co-founder of BioNTech- a research biotech company, Özlem is a physician who was among those researching the methods of fighting the pandemic disease- COVID. Her company developed a vaccine and after its success, started sharing it to enhance the kicking of the virus from the country. Özlem main area of expertise is oncology which helps her search for more approaches to fighting cancer. Her company also supports this cause and promotes state-of-the-art biomedical innovation.

Victoria Ossadnik

She’s the Chief Digital Officer of E.ON- a company that optimizes energy. She is responsible for IT strategies and the digitalization of the company. She has worked for Microsoft corp in Germany, in the AI unit. Her life motive is to work for a company that matches her values and ideas.

Kenza Si Ait Abbou Lyadini

She is the senior manager for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at Deutsche Telekom. She fluently speaks seven languages but what’s most important in this industry is that she translates tech in terms understandable. Kenza is passionate about educating people and creating awareness about the dangers that come with technology, at the same time talking about the positive outcomes. Kenza is seen as a role model for young girls. 

Claudia Kessler

Claudia is an aerospace engineer with more than thirty years of experience in the international space industry. She established “The First Female German Astronaut foundation” which aims to make young girls reach for the stars. Claudia noticed that among the women who have been sent to space, against the staggering mass of men, not one single German woman was there. She hoped to change this through her foundation and she is well on her way there!

What is stopping you?

Don’t limit yourself. Women like these motivate us to yearn and reach for the stars in the tech industry, just like what Claudia Kessler wants.

Here at Heels and Tech, we take you to the sky of technology where there is no limit to your abilities. How can you get these abilities? By enrolling in our courses! Yes, enroll. It’s time for you to take the leap and get started. Be a woman of influence, and impact lives.

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