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Support Advisor Turns Business Analyst

Support Advisor turns Business Analyst

Support Advisor Turns Business Analyst

One of our students who happens to be a Canadian immigrant has landed a big-time job as a Product Analyst after taking our Business Analysis course.

It is always a joy to share these stories with you; we hope they inspire you. 

With our help, many women across Africa have risen above societal constructs. Some of these women are stay-at-home moms, fresh graduates, self-employed women, Master’s students or professionals in other fields.

Today’s story is about a fantastic woman who moved to Canada and wanted to upskill and get a good job in a super relevant industry.

Moving to a different country isn’t always the easiest decision because of all the things you need to fix when the thrill of experiencing a new kind of environment fades. Some women settle for jobs they wouldn’t usually pay for in their previous country of residence. But women like Anu, set the pace for other women by upskilling and getting really cool jobs that afford them a cool life in their new home.

Meet Anu

Anu is a Canadian immigrant who worked as a support advisor in Calgary, Canada. She had a great job and a great life, but she desired to venture into the tech industry. Yes, she had heard stories about how tough and frustrating tech was, but she took a keen interest in it. Thankfully she got a chance to finally transition into tech when she bumped into us on Instagram.

Anu took a special liking to the Business Analysis course and messaged us to make a few enquiries about the course. After clarifying everything that needed to be clarified, that was out of the way and she was soon taking her classes.

We always add some extra spice to our classes. We try to make it simple and enjoyable for our students. Anu totally loved her classes, and she learned so much.

In her words, “The classes have been awesome so far. The BA course has given me a better understanding of the concepts that Business Analysts use on a daily basis. Whenever I come across BA jobs in Canada, I can confidently say that I am more than 70% qualified because I meet most of the job requirements and I am familiar with all the software skills mentioned in the job posting.”

We offer nothing but the best!

A few weeks down the line, Anu completed her training and graduated in the most beautiful way. It was time for the next big thing — landing a job. We helped as much as we could with building her CV, pointing at the right job sources and even giving tips for a typical interview. When all these were done, we crossed our fingers and hoped for the best.

She Did It, New Job!

The hard work paid off! Anu landed a job offer from a great company in British Columbia, Canada. The interview was not the easiest, but thanks to the brilliant training we offer our students, she was more than capable of nailing the interview. 

Support Advisor turns Business Analyst

Anu is currently enjoying her job as a Business Analyst with a top tech company. We are happy to always happy to receive news like this from our amazing students. Hard work pays, and we can achieve whatever we put our minds to regardless of what people say. 

Congratulations, Anu! We are super-duper proud of you.

Because she was happy with the classes and the results, she enrolled on one more course with us — the Data Analytics course.

We can’t wait to share the good news with you after she’s done with this course and has started seeing her results.

It’s all about growth and success for Anu, and we’re cheering her on all the way!

Dear woman, what is stopping you?

You are what the tech industry needs right now: A hard-working, intelligent, newbie, and  powerful woman!

You don’t have to hide behind the shadows anymore. It is not taboo to build your career. Step out into the lights and build a future for yourself.
You can see any of our online courses here. You can pick one that fits you, or reach out to us to guide you. Also, here’s our career quiz if you want to get course recommendations without contacting us.

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