Business Analysis Student Stories



Happy I am is helping me to see my current employment differently, because I do BA activities even though it isn’t a BA role

I am currently telling my colleagues to look up on your page and learn a skill, so that we can all win together this year.

However it is intense ?..but I know the end will be great ?

You didn’t tell me I was doing intense masters ooo, with loads of projects. I am trying all the assignments we have been given and exposing myself to software used for story telling, process flow, customers persona and BA projects etc.. I must confess I am enjoying it .. I know with constant practice I will get a hang of it fully.

With regards to my team mates, it is 3rd week and we are beginning to understand how best to work together and schedule meetings because of the time difference. Some can’t attend these meetings because of other engagements, but we doing fine and helping each other to get a full understanding of the projects.

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