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Meet The Business Analyst Who Transitioned Into Tech During Her Maternity Leave

Meet The Business Analyst Who Transitioned Into Tech During Her Maternity Leave

Meet The Business Analyst Who Transitioned Into Tech During Her Maternity Leave

Esther image

Being a woman is something you should be proud of!

Nature has colored so beautifully and given us the rare privilege of giving life. Just like William Wordsworth said in his poem ‘Perfect Woman’, 

” She was a Phantom of delight

When first she gleamed upon my sight;

A lovely Apparition, sent

To be a moment’s ornament;

Her eyes as stars of Twilight fair;

Like Twilight’s, too, her dusky hair;

But all things else about her drawn

From May-time and the cheerful Dawn;

A dancing Shape, an Image gay,

To haunt, to startle, and way-lay”

Women are indeed Junoesque and ravishing! We see this beauty take a whole new form of magnificence when she gives birth. It is a beautiful thing to happen to anyone. Luckily, women are the only ones picked out for this assignment.

Esther, a former student of ours, was on maternity leave when she picked interest in transitioning into tech. You would agree that that’s not an easy decision to make considering the amount of work involved in taking care of a baby and yourself as a mother. Esther was determined to make the most of her break from work, and she found us! 

Judging from how the stories of other amazing women on our blog went, you can already tell where this is heading?. Before we proceed with the big news you’re expecting, we’ll like to brief you about the background of our brilliant ex-student, Esther!

A little About Esther’s Background

Esther is an amazing wife and mother who lives in Canada with her family. She already had something going for herself before she met us. Esther was an excellent professional with years of experience and competence in customer support services, financial services, office management, and administrative service support. She was really good at her job and nailed it in many ways. This was the job she was on before she took an interest in the tech industry and contacted us.

Esther enrolled for the Business Analysis course and in no time was preparing to become a quality business analyst. Our Business Analysis training usually lasts for 6 weeks. She started her training and as you read on you’ll find out what the experience was like for her.

Esther’s Experience During her 6 Week Long Training

Esther wouldn’t stop going on and on about her experience during the training. She found that the training was indeed of great advantage to her career at the time (customer service). Esther loved that the training wasn’t shallow but instead comprehensive. She learned what she needed to know to thrive in the tech industry.

In her words, “The  6 weeks training was indeed a high leverage for my career. The in-depth practical hands-on training has been very useful to building my knowledge as a Business analyst.”

She also had sweet things to say about her trainer and coach, Patrina. She said, “Patrina is a very good trainer and coach.”

After her Business Analysis training, Esther went on to take the Salesforce Administrator course and got certified. At the end of her training, Esther was a Salesforce Business Analyst. Look at that! From Customer Service Agent to a certified Salesforce Business Analyst.

With our help, she was able to see the numerous job opportunities in Canada for the profession she was training for. It wasn’t long before she landed a job!

She Got a Well-paying Job! Hurray!!

We felt such a joy that can melt the heart when she broke the news to us. She got a great job as a Business Analyst with a tech company, and guessss whattt? It came with a great salary!

Finally, all her hard work had paid off and it was time for her to start her dream of working in the tech induction. She was able to function effectively at her job, which is no surprise given the quality of training she was given by her trainers. 

We are so proud of you Esther! You’re on your way to greater heights and more accomplishments! 

Esther’s story is an inspiration to many women out there, and we hope it inspires you. You too can make the most of your maternity leave or work breaks. The world is shifting more towards technology with every passing day. We encourage you to learn a tech skill today.

Esther’s Thoughts About Heels and Tech

When asked what she thought about Heels and Tech, Esther said, “Heel and Tech!!! building great women,  you have really helped us achieve what we thought it was only men or people with very knowledge background in tech could achieve thank you for this platform”.

She also mentioned about a renewed mindset is the gift that the platform has given her. We are happy that we were able to contribute to her story.
You too can become a techie today by taking that one simple yet big step by enrolling in any of our listed courses. Click here to check them out.

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