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Meet Dunmi Who Started Her Tech Journey With Only A Legal Background

Meet Dunmi Who Started Her Tech Journey With Only A Legal Background

Meet Dunmi Who Started Her Tech Journey With Only A Legal Background

Whether you are a lawyer, doctor, salesperson, or a stay home mom, you can transition into tech successfully.

The best tech experts didn’t become Techies straight from the womb, they learned and built their skills. Also, they don’t have two heads, so you too can accomplish what they accomplished with the right amount of skills and dedication, as well as the right kind of network.

The story you are about to read is the story of a woman who transitioned into tech with just a legal background. She didn’t have any prior experience before she started learning a tech skill, and today, her tech skills landed her a good job in a tech company.

We hope her story inspires you and makes you see the possibilities in tech. 

Meet Dunmi

Dunmi is a young woman who worked as a lawyer in Nigeria for some years. She had a cool job as a lawyer but sought to upskill to achieve her career goals. She was also relocating to Canada and wanted to have her foot in the tech space to enable her to start a great career overseas.

Dunmi had put a great strategy in place to aid her career progression and she just needed the right team to help her execute her dreams. She found us on Instagram and told us about her interest in tech; she had taken a special liking to the Business Analysis course. We were so glad to have her join the team and after her onboarding, she soon started taking classes. 

She was a little skeptical about proceeding with the course because she considered her legal background. She doubted that she could understand or apply what she would be learning as a Business Analyst. From a distance, it all seemed too complex for her, but when she started her classes, she found that they were not so complex after all.

In her words, “One major fear I initially had was my ability to grasp the concepts of Business Analysis but with intentionality and commitment, I quickly realized that it wasn’t impossible. With Heels and Tech, it works like magic, you put in the work  with patient facilitators holding your hands all the way and you see results.”

Everything she said is just right, if you put in the work, you can achieve what you want to achieve. Dunmi was a committed student and worked hard to nail Business Analysis. It wasn’t all rosy and there were times when she would have to stretch out of her comfort zone. But it was all for good, wasn’t it??. Here’s what Dunmi had to say

“I might have to warn you that your comfort zone will be dragged right into the mud. Lol. I was super stretched but in a good way, now I have the confidence to address myself as a business analyst and take on BA roles.”

Turns out the hard work pays in the end. Tech is not difficult; it should be.

Let’s pause here to say… 

Just like the ‘old’ Dunmi, many women out there think it is impossible to learn a tech skill because it requires coding or a solid background in tech. That’s false!

There are many tech skills like Business Analysis, Salesforce Administration, Data Analysis, etc, that do not require coding at all. You can also master these skills even without any previous experience. 

You just need the right team to teach and help you grow, and we are right here for you.?

Back to Dunmi… Something big happened when she completed her courses. Read on to find out what.

“Taking the Business Analysis course with Heels and Tech has been one of the best decisions I have made this year”

We have that effect on people!?

Wondering what made Dunmi so excited that she made that sweet statement?

Not long after becoming a Heels and Tech alumni, she landed a legal and compliance role in a tech firm. Her knowledge of Business Analysis concepts was a great advantage and contributed to her landing this job role.

You would agree that great things happen when law meets tech…!

Hurrays and congratulations are in order for Dunmi in her new role! Her commitment and hard work really paid off.

Dunmi was super excited when she shared this with us. She said, “Wanted to share the good news with you. So, the inclusion of my BA training with Heels and tech gave me an edge in securing a legal and compliance role with a tech company … I can’t thank the team enough for the intense and hands-on training afforded us through the training.”

Meet Dunmi Who Started Her Tech Journey With Only A Legal Background

What’s stopping you?

It’s amazing to see how women are rising above societal dictates and building a career for themselves in tech. In no time, the entire world will feel the impact of these women in the internet technology industry.

At Heels and tech, our goal is to help you as a woman transition into tech smoothly. We stick with you every step of the way, guiding you on what to do as you move through every phase of the journey. It is our pleasure to see our students finish their training and go ahead to land big roles in the tech industry.

Let us help you rewrite your story. To enroll for any of our tech courses today click here.

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