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Lawyer to Business Analyst

Lawyer to Business Analyst

Lawyer to Business Analyst

Every day, hundreds of women are leaving the “tech is just for men” bandwagon, and starting a beautiful career in tech. At one point in their lives, these women felt that chasing a career in tech was impossible and a trap for some major frustration. 

Slowly, but steadily, women are trooping into the tech industry and even outdoing their male counterparts. You’re about to read the story of a woman who once used to be a lawyer but later chose to transition into tech. Today she holds a prominent position as a Business Analyst in a top tech firm in Nigeria, and she is doing very well. Read on to get the full gist.

Meet Pelumi

Pelumi Akinola is a graduate of Law (LLB) from the Olabisi Onabanjo University; she received her BL from the Nigerian Law School. She worked as a lawyer in the media and entertainment industry for 3 years. Solving legal puzzles and issues for big boys and girls in the media and industry was a great job, but Pelumi aimed for more. She fell in love with the technology industry and desired a career in tech.

Pelumi found us on Instagram and indicated an interest in enrolling in the Business Analysis course. 

She found the classes interesting and challenging in a good way. Even though she was totally new to tech and faced the normal difficulty of settling in, she put in the work. Her love for her classes and course instructor grew over time and she was soon looking forward to the classes.

When asked about her learning experience, she said, “My experience has been rigorous while creating An app (CZAR) for the Government to have a view of what the church sector earns but it’s also been worth it from learning how to edit documents with my team on Microsoft 365, to preparing the flow chart for Our App on a lucid chart, to designing wireframes and prototypes on Figma.”

She was learning so well and also fast. We always pick the best experts to train our students. It was no surprise when she had so much to say about her course instructor. She went on and on about how her course instructor was knowledgeable and patient. She bragged about how her course instructor would always explain the most complex concepts in simple and easy-to-understand terms

In her words, ” My trainer is Petrina, a seasoned lady who is always ready to take on questions and explain issues no matter how many times she has already explained before.”

Pelumi was an amazing student! After a few weeks, she completed her training and graduated with other amazing women.

It was time for the next phase — finding a job!

“I Got the Job”

Great news!

We are always delighted to see the hard work of our students pay off. Pelumi had worked so hard in her classes and projects and soon enough got a job with a leading bank in Nigeria as a Business Analyst. 

She was excited that she made the decision to transition into tech. She was also grateful she picked the right team to guide her through her journey. 

Expressing her gratitude to Heels and Tech, she said, “Heels and tech is doing a great job for such a time as this, I believe they are answers to a lot of people’s prayers (myself included).”

Awwww… Such thoughtful words! Our hearts were so glad to see how much value we were able to offer. We might just be the answer to your prayer to transition into tech. What’s keeping you from enrolling in one of our courses?.

When asked what she had learned from her overall experience with Heels and Tech, she said, “Now I feel like I can earn as much as I desire, I feel there is no challenge I can’t take on. Thank you for this amazing program.”

Congratulations, Pelumi! We are super duper proud of you!??

lawyer to a business analyst

You, yes you!

What are you waiting for? 

What’s stopping you from achieving your goals?

Here’s a secret no one probably told you, you can be successful and more!

We don’t mean to sound cliche when we say if you put the work to it, the sky would be your starting point.
Enroll in any of our easy-and-fun-to-learn tech courses and start making your dreams a reality today.

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