
Job Opportunities for Data Analysts in 2022

Job Opportunities for Data Analysts in 2022

Job Opportunities for Data Analysts in 2022

Data is big and so are the job opportunities for data analysts in 2022. With data shaping the future of the economy, many have built a lucrative career around analyzing data. Our experiences on the internet, our communication system, and our survival in a technologically evolving world are influenced a lot by data. 

Is Data Analysis a job for just our husbands, brothers, or boyfriends? No! We have women making a huge impact in the Data sector. Data Analysts are in high demand and now more than ever is the time for you as a woman to step in and build significant relevance in this space. You don’t have to be completely confident yet, we at Heels & Tech believe you can, and we’re sure you can nail it!

If you are looking to start a career as a Data Analyst, even with zero experience in tech, then this article is for you. We will show you how to become a data analyst, what other skills you need to thrive in the career path, and lots more. 

Do you want to become a data analyst? Data analysts are in high demand and make great money. If you’re looking for a career that will allow you to use your skills, then this is it! We’ll discuss how to become one, what kind of work they do, and more. In addition, you will learn all you need to know to make a career as a data analyst. Tighten your seatbelts as we get started with the numerous incredible job opportunities for Data Analysts in 2022.

First, You Should Know Who a Data Analyst is…

“Data” and “Analyst” are the two keywords that define a data analyst. Data Analysts are experts who work with organizations to get, arrange, organize, and analyze information that relates to the performance of the organization. Also, your job as a data analyst is to make enough sense out of all the available digital data that companies have access to daily.

Have you ever paused to think of why data is important to organizations? What’s the big deal about data anyways and why do companies need a special staff to handle that aspect of the business? You see, data helps companies predict the future and plan. For instance, it helps them get into the minds of their consumers and draw up brilliant ways to retain them and earn their loyalty. Data became so important when businesses realized it’s not just about the product, it is about the consumer. So, Google can show you adverts for cheap fruits and vegetables in your region because a few hours ago, you googled “Grocery Stores”. That’s what data does, it helps the business communicate your need to you. Also, they meet it before you even think of going to ask for it.


With the right data, companies can make strong and super-efficient business decisions. And this makes a data analyst very powerful. Imagine that the hack to move a company ahead of its competitors, or make their customers love them more depends on you. Analysts often assess different types of data, and they convert this existing data into reports and presentations that businesses can use to make decisions. 

So, a data analyst is all about helping a business make the best decisions by gathering and interpreting data in a way that makes more sense. It’s not rocket science, it’s just playing with data to make great suggestions that can bring beautiful results. 

Is Data Analysis a Good Job? 

Is there really a bad job out there? What makes a job bad? Could data analysis be a terrible career choice for me?

Relax! Becoming a data analyst is a thing of prestige. Data Analysts are one of the most sought-after experts in the world today. 

Moreover, being a data analyst comes with some huge benefits. You might even find that you had spent years in your current profession, only to try data analysis out and discover it was just the right career path for you.

There are many benefits to becoming a data analyst. We’ll list just three of the most important benefits. Here you go:

Access to a large amount of data

As a data analyst, you will work with large amounts of data and help make better decisions for your company or organization. Data Analysts work with data and so they have large data sets at their disposal. With this data, they are capable of designing and maintaining data systems and databases, as well as interpreting large datasets with statistical software and creating reports that communicate advancements, trends, and projections based on detailed findings.

You don’t need to learn how to code to become a data analyst

One of the fun parts of being a data analyst is that you’ll get to up your Industry 4.0 game, and roll with the big dogs when it comes to software. This does not mean you need to learn how to code. It’s okay to know a little about coding/programming, but you don’t need to have coding skills to become one. You can become a data analyst without having any prior experience with coding. There are several data analytics tools such as Microsoft Power Bi, Tableau and the likes which you can learn here. 

Data analyst job opportunities are growing faster than most other jobs

You had better get a hold of Data Analysis while it is one of the hottest skills in the market. Furthermore, many businesses right now are looking for the best persons to help them interpret data and prepare reports to help them make meaningful predictions. As it seems, the demand is higher than the supply, and this means you have a high chance of succeeding quickly in this industry — the competition is not too intense.

Is Data Analytics the Same Thing as Data Science?

Though data analysts and data scientists work with data, there is a big difference in how they work with it.

To assist businesses in making more data-driven decisions, data analysts carefully study massive amounts of data to discover patterns, create charts, and draw up presentations.

Data scientists, however, use prototypes, machine learning, predictive analytics, and custom evaluation to set up new methods of modeling data; they also set up processes that lead to the production of this data. 

So it appears that data science is a little more complex than data analysis. You should be careful not to confuse the two together.

What Does a Data Analyst Earn as Salary?

The salary of a data analyst varies depending on many factors, including experience, skillset, and the industry you want. The average data analyst salary, according to, is $69,500 per year. For those with the required set of skills and experience to excel as a data analyst, that is a reasonably competitive salary.

Job Opportunities for Data Analysts

Data analysts have a range of fields where they can function in. Some of these career fields are: 

  • Database Analysis
  • Business Analysis
  • Market Research Analysis
  • Sales Analysis
  • Financial Analysis
  • Marketing Analysis
  • Advertising Analysis
  • Customer Success Analysis
  • Operations Analysis
  • Pricing Analysis, and 
  • International Strategy Analysis. 

You can also use your knowledge to thrive in other career options like:

  • Business Intelligence Analysis
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Engineering
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Data Analytics Consultancy
  • Operations Analysis
  • Marketing Analysis
  • Data Science

Here’s an extra tip: You can become one of the best in data analysis if you have great communication skills. The finest data analysts are technically skilled as well as able to the best data communicate effectively research results to non-technical teammates.


Dear You, looking to transition into tech? There are many reasons why becoming a data analyst is an excellent career choice. We’ve only mentioned a few. We’ve also listed job opportunities for Data Analysts. If you are interested in a rewarding career that offers security and stability, then data analysis is the right field for you. You can enroll in our data analysis course to become the next big thing in the field. Finally, our facilitators and mentors are well seasoned and super friendly. You can be sure that they will help you transition from your current career path to becoming a great Data Analyst.

Other blog posts: Resume for business analysis, Productivity hacks for business analysis, Women tech founders.

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