
How Heels and Tech is Helping Get More Women Into Tech

How Heels and Tech is Helping Get More Women Into Tech

How Heels and Tech is Helping Get More Women Into Tech

When you were a younger girl, it’s likely nobody ever mentioned the possibility of you growing up to be a woman in tech.

Following the social conditioning many of us ladies got, this industry wasn’t a top choice or thought for many. I mean see the extracurricular activities a school has for boys and girls.

And now even after you’ve grown out of that mindset, there’s a part of you that still thinks you need to code to be a true tech babe.

Well that’s not true! Even though the global participation of women in tech today is just 28.8% (an increase from 25.9% in 2018), there are a good number of those women who work non-coding tech jobs and are excelling at it at top startups.

Here at Heels and Tech, we help women like you (mums, young women, nursing/pregnant, zero work experience or multiple years experience in non related industries) transition into tech and even land your first tech jobs! Here’s how we can help you too.

Why Heels and Tech?

Heels and tech is a company dedicated to seeing women thrive in the tech industry. To help women become better than the average they have settled for. To help them see the great potentials locked up inside of them and become financially independent. At heels and tech we bridge the gap between the female gender and the tech industry.

How we have Done so far..

Really, it’s been quite a ride since the inception of the company. We have trained over 10,000 students from at least 10 countries. 

How have we been able to achieve that?

We all can relate with the fact that there were some subjects we didn’t like because of the teachers who taught them. One very good example that usually applies to most people is mathematics. You are saying yes, right? Somehow most schools didn’t have amazing maths teachers, Especially at the elementary stage. When the foundations for the ‘dy/dx’ are usually set. 

Oh maybe you had a good teacher, well, I am honestly happy for you. But, I know you get the point. This faulty foundation had an adverse effect on many of us who would have loved to do maths-related courses in higher institutions.

One way or another, we have been able to hussle through the thicket and we are mostly doing fine now. Having all this at heart  and coupled with the fear that has been built around the tech space we created a conducive environment for learning.

A conducive environment for learning is not limited to the physical outlook of the training space. It also involves the teaching ability of the instructor. Their attitude towards students, how well they can manage the different pace at which each student learns.

This pushed us to partner with professionals who know their onions in the respective fields. This has hedged us further towards hitting our target and achieving our goals.

I have been doing all the talking alone, why not let me share some student stories with you. They talked about their experience during the training, their trainers and of course about the company.

Adebusola Adediran

Kefe – Lagos, Nigeria.

Oluwabusola Ibrahim – Lagos, Nigeria 

Oyindamola- Lagos, Nigeria

Aside from the professionals we have on board, our classes are hands-on from start to finish. In one of the class projects under the business analysis class, an app was developed. What? You were thinking only a set of gurus can develop an app, you can too! if you register for our courses. 

About the App Developed by Our Students

Currently one of the growing industries in the nation is event management, specifically wedding events. In the last couple of years, many features have been added to weddings to add glamour. Ensuring that all of these are added and put in place requires adequate planning. The app was built specifically to solve the problems involved in wedding planning.

The major one of course being finances. The app helps couples stay within their budget by finding vendors who will suit their class and budget. 

Other advantages of the app include; 

  • Easy and convenient savings plan
  • App accessibility all day every day
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Easy and secure tracking of payments and choices via the dashboard
  • Choice of services in the different vendor categories
  • Ceremony based on predetermined budget category or a custom one designed by user

Our students had in mind that an app without the ability to generate revenue will sooner or later become a liability to the developer. They added the channels to which they are expecting revenue and they are:

  1. In-app paid to advertise: 

Here there will be pop up ads on the app. Users get to see them when they make use of the app

  1. Making the app freemium/subscription-based: 

This mode of revenue will allow for limited content to be accessible to users and premium content will be made accessible on a subscription basis.

  1. In-app purchases: 

Do you remember the adverts we mentioned the other time? we connect to the retailers running ads on the app and we get a certain percentage of every sale made from the app

  1. SMS and Email marketing: 

This strategy can also increase revenue. Phone numbers and mail addresses of users will be collated and stored in the company’s database. 

With the consent of the users, periodic updates, offers, coupons will be sent to them to increase their engagement and interest in the app. This of course will promote the brand and also advertisement of some services will increase revenue services 

  1. Vendor sign-up fees: 

This is the fee expected to be paid by vendors who want to be added to the vendor’s category of the app.


The tech industry is as much yours as it is mine and every other person (regardless of gender). And coding isn’t the only tech skill there is. From design to product management to customer support and many more, all these make a successful tech company or product.

And you can work any of these roles. Ready to join the growing train of women in tech? Start with any of our courses or free webinars today!

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