Business Analysis Student Stories

Folake Adeniyi, Lagos, Nigeria

Folake Adeniyi, Lagos, Nigeria

I have practiced law for the past 9 years and everytime I always felt like i needed to do more. I didn’t feel quite fulfilled so my cousin told me about Heels and Tech. I took all of my savings, paid for the course and joined the BA Cohort 6.

When we started working on the project in Week 2, it all seemed like a bit of information overload but it all became achievable when I started meeting with my group members. I found the Microsoft office tools very helpful. My group members and I met almost everyday using Microsoft teams. Petrina was extremely helpful. Thank you so much Petrina for patiently and diligently attending to all our needs and questions. Petrina will join our meetings to check on us, guide and encourage us. Nothing like silly questions in Petrina’s books. She was always ready to answer.

Let me also state that I’m happy I found Heels and Tech when I did. I had just quit my job as a lawyer in June because I felt so stuck. After 9 years of law practice, I knew I was doing it because it seemed like the safe choice. After all, I spent so many years getting my bachelor and postgraduate degrees in Law, so I must be crazy to want to do something else. Going through the Heels and Tech website and testimonials of previous students just gave me the nudge I needed.

Taking this course made me realize I can do anything I put my mind to. Ladies and gentlemen, anybody and I mean anybody can work in tech. If anyone told me 6 weeks ago that I’ll be doing designs and working with Jira, creating prototypes and wire frames, I would have laughed at them and myself. I can now boldly say that I’m a Business Analyst and Heels and Tech helped me achieve that.

Thank you Bisola and Petrina for the invaluable resources.

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