Salesforce Student Stories

Elizabeth Adesanya , Montrel

Elizabeth Adesanya , Montrel

I studied Secretarial Administrative and also have Masters in International Business Management. I worked in the Financial Service sector for 15 years in Nigeria before relocation to Canada and my area of specialisation is majorly Customer Service and Administrative due to the fact that I have passionate solving problems.

At the beginning it seemed it was going to be tough and difficult for me to catch up. The fact that I was learning new things made it so interesting and educating. I had to put in extra hours to catch up with the class. Practising the trails on a regular basis is such a fun and ensuring that all assignments were reviewed before the next class really helped.

The facilitator is an expert in the field of Salesforce, knowledgeable and also have the ability to impact knowledge. He has the technique of carrying all members along, he is so patient and willing to sacrifice extra time to ensure that everybody have the full understanding of all the topics.

The best thing that happened to me in this 2021 is having to come across Heels and Tech on YouTube the same week that the class was to commence. Having gone through their Instagram page and reading all the posted information, I knew it was the right place for me to be for my career advancement. The organizer posts encourage as many women out there to take a shift and transition into a career that will be more beneficial in the nearest future.

Have always been someone who enjoys engaging myself in difficult and challenging tasks. Heels and Tech further build up my mindset of how I can explore other career by not limiting myself within my comfort zone.

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