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Completed Business Analysis Course; Got 3 Jobs in One Year!

Completed Business Analysis course; Got 3 Jobs in One Year!

Completed Business Analysis Course; Got 3 Jobs in One Year!

Hello ladies!

In case you’re wondering how hard it is to get a job after taking any of our courses, here’s the story of a lady who got three job offers and several interviews invites within a year of completing her training.

Ladies are awesome and there is a world for us out there! The tech industry is booming and no one says you can’t partake of its richness. Now is the right time for you to take a hold of those opportunities out there. We do hope after reading this story, you’ll be encouraged to make that transition into the very hot tech industry!

Meet Vivian

Vivian is a woman, a wife, and a mother of amazing kids. She studied computer engineering at the University of Benin, Nigeria, and worked as a technical analyst for Halliburton for 3 years and as a senior requirement and design engineer at the same company for 3 years. Her interests are children, the environment, health, disaster, and humanitarian relief. She is not just any kind of woman, she’s one with a heart of gold.

Vivian lives in Alberta, Canada, with her husband and kids in a beautiful home. Before she moved to Canada, Vivian wanted to build relevance in the Canadian labour market and decided to learn a skill she can offer in exchange for money. Do you know that feeling of wanting to be fully prepared for life in a strange land? Vivian wanted to make sure she was going to continue to be active in the workspace like she was in Nigeria and she sought an opportunity. After some time, Vivian found us! She told us about her earnest yearnings for a great on-demand marketable skill and we had just the right one for her (after a moment of background check and clarifying some facts). We felt the Business Analysis course was perfect for her and she couldn’t agree more. If you’re wondering what business analysis is all about, read this bunch of words we wrote about it. It’d really help, trust us!?

In no time, Vivian paid for the course and was set to start her training. Our training is wonderful and self-paced. We make sure we put the right facilitators in place to guide you and help you smoothly transition into tech. So you can expect that Vivian got a comprehensive yet fun and easy-to-follow Business Analysis training. It wasn’t particularly easy as she had to take care of her children while taking the course, but she forged on and succeeded! She totally loved her tutors and enjoyed working on projects together with other students. It was a smooth transition as Vivian completed her training right on time!

One.. Two.. Three.. Jobs!!!

Did you count with us?

Just like it is expected of anyone who is venturing into a new field, Vivian had her fears at the start; she had her doubts and concerns. We are super delighted to see her glow in accomplishment after accomplishment.

Not long after she completed the course, she got an offer from a Canadian government-owned establishment — now that’s a big deal! Jobs like that come with juicy pay and some yummy benefits to go with it. She nailed her interview and got called back to start because she was just exceptional and knew a lot about what the job entailed (you know the secret magic, don’t you??. Just a dash of heels and tech!). It was a rare offer and we’re super proud of our girlll.

Vivian the business analyst

Before she landed the role in the government firm, she got a contract job with a blockchain firm in the United States. It was a remote role and its pay was amazing. This was the start of big things for her. It is awesome how she moved from a techie-wanna-be to a hot cake.

Blessings never end if you’re blessed and equipped! There’s something about Vivian’s resilience and excellence that screams “girl power. We are proud of her successes and how she stands as an example for any woman struggling with the idea that tech is difficult and it is not for women. Well, as you can see Vivian made it into tech alive and she is all shades of nailing it! Congratulations again Vivian. This was her third job!❤️

What are you waiting for?

Do we need to sound a trumpet, blow the clarinet, or hit a cymbal for you to know you can do this?!

You can not afford to let fear steal a golden opportunity from you. Tech is no longer a man’s world, it’s a woman’s world too, and you can take it and own it. 

Become a techie today by enrolling in any of our courses.

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