Business Analysis Student Stories

Bernard Mercy, Port-Harcourt

Bernard Mercy, Port-Harcourt

My name is Mercy and I have been working in the financial industry for over 8 years. Recently, I was feeling redundant from doing the same process everyday. I wanted something new and exciting, and with the pandemic it dawn on me as with a lot other people that Tech was the new normal, and that the future of many offices was in the cloud, So, firstly I got the book ‘how to transition to tech’ which further convinced me that I was on the right track. Then in August I joined the Business Analyst Cohort and I am glad I made the move.

About the tools and project: For me, It was both new and exciting. I collaborated with great minds from all over the world, working in teams and sharing ideas. We worked with tools such as Jira, confluence, Lucid Chart and Microsoft office 365. Microsoft office really interested me because it was one of the tools I used at work, but until I worked with heels & tech, I never knew it had as much functions as it did, so we obviously were underutilizing it at work.

My Trainer, Our Petrina, is such a sweet personality. She knows how to pass on knowledge to students through hard work and sheer diligence. In the 6 weeks I had with her I learnt how to listen attentively and to ask the right questions to reach people’s mind.she would patiently listen to our questions and concerns, repeat them to us to be sure she got what was said and then provide satisfactory answers to the questions.

Heels and Tech is the best when it comes to transitioning to tech. They listen to and advise you on the best course to take at each point in time, taking into consideration your background and present knowledge. Did I mention that it took me some months after I bought the transition book to enroll on the BA course? ? I kept coming back with plenty questions but they never got tired.

The renewed mindset was probably what I needed at that phase of my life. It gave me confidence and assurance which In turn helped me to make some important transition decisions in my career.

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