Top 15 Most Successful South African Women In Tech

Top 15 Most Successful South African Women In Tech

In times past, there were few women who ventured into the …

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Top 15 Most Successful Kenyan Women in Tech

Top 15 Most Successful Kenyan Women in Tech

As much as the women are still stepping up on the …

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How To Not Lose Your Mind As A Stay-Home Mom

How To Not Lose Your Mind As A Stay-Home Mom

Being a stay at home mom is a job that is …

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Top 15 most successful Nigerian women in Tech

Top 15 Most Successful Nigerian Women in Tech

It is common to have people misconstrue the Tech industry as …

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Top 10 Most Successful Indian Women In Tech

Top 10 Most Successful Indian Women In Tech

While the world of women keeps burgeoning with great feats and …

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Valentine’s Product Design Project

Most stock investment apps out there are not user friendly. There …

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Adebimpe’s Product Design Project

It is usually a struggle to find good tailors that are …

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Temi’s Product Design Project

Around the world there are major health related issues due to …

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Hope’s Product Design Project

So after I started feeling blue earlier this year, I decided …

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Meet Dunmi Who Started Her Tech Journey With Only A Legal Background

Meet Dunmi Who Started Her Tech Journey With Only A Legal Background

Whether you are a lawyer, doctor, salesperson, or a stay home …

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Lawyer to Business Analyst

Lawyer to Business Analyst

Every day, hundreds of women are leaving the “tech is just …

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Top Female Lawyer who Transitioned into Tech

Top Female Lawyer Who Transitioned Into Tech 

When law meets tech beautiful things happen. Today, you’ll be reading …

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