Blog Student Testimonials

Australian-Immigrant Business Manager Who Transitioned to Business Analyst 

Australian-Immigrant Business Manager Who Transitioned to Business Analyst 

Australian-Immigrant Business Manager Who Transitioned to Business Analyst 

Nneka the Business Manager

You can become a tech expert without learning how to code at all.

Like we always tell our ladies, tech is not all about coding. We have graduated students who are working in top positions as technology experts but have not written a single line of code their whole life.

Today we will be sharing the story of an incredibly lovely lady who transitioned into tech with our help, and now holds a remarkable position as a tech expert in a big organization.

Our star lady for today is a strong Nigerian lady who left the country for Australia.

Relocating to another country can be exciting but it also entails a lot. You need a job, new friends, a new environment, different climate, etc. It is not ever easy, and you need something to hold on to lest the excitement fades in no time to confusion and unending difficulties. 

Are you an immigrant? Or do you plan on relocating to another country? Then you should understand what moving from one country to the other entails. 

You’re about to read the story of an Australian immigrant who recently trained with us. We hope her story inspires you and helps you believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. Nothing can stop a determined woman. Read onâ€Ĥ.

Nneka the Business Manager

The student whose story we will be sharing is a woman, wife, and mother like some of us reading this now. Meet Nneka (called Julie by some), a beautiful woman from Nigeria who has worked as a business manager for a while. In 2017, Nneka moved to Australia with her family to build a bigger and better life than the one she had in Nigeria. Since she was leaving the country, Nneka had to resign from her job in Nigeria, leaving her without employment for some time. 

While in Australia, Nneka tried to figure out a career pathway for herself. Last year, she decided to train to become a business analyst, it was during this time she bumped into us on Instagram. 

Australian-Immigrant Business Manager Who Transitioned to Business Analyst

Having gone through our profile and seen the amazing progress of our students, she reached out to us to start the Salesforce Administrator course. We were glad to have her join us as we are always looking forward to helping women accomplish their dreams.

Nneka started her training and soon enough began loving it. She saw them as eye-openers and she was intrigued by how patient and simple her instructor was. She told us how she was never lost in any of the classes because the instructor always took time to break down the most complex subjects into simple digestible bits.

In her words, “I  started BA training in Jan this year before I came across heels and tech salesforce developer training. The salesforce training was an eye-opener. I was a bit confused from the beginning, but the trainer simplified the teaching and carried everyone along. The trainer was also very patient and was always on time.” 

We always love to give our students the best learning experience!

It was not always easy for Nneka as she was caring for her baby while taking the course. Sometimes she had ‘mummy emergencies’ and had to take a longer time to complete her tasks. We totally understood because being a mother is a big deal; it isn’t easy! Nneka didn’t stop pushing on and soon enough she completed the course with her coursemates. She finished her training and she was prepared and equipped to start a career as a Salesforce Administrator. With our help, she got her CV in the right shape and soon set about to find a job.

Nneka started getting job offers when she updated her resume to reflect that she was a skilled Salesforce Administrator. In her words, “Ever since I updated my resume with salesforce developer knowledge, I have been getting calls and messages from recruiters. Fingers crossed*”. Ha-ha-ha! to cross one’s fingers is a hand gesture we usually use to wish for luck. Will Nneka meet any luck with landing a good-paying job? Let’s see…

New Job, New Nneka!

Good news all the way!

The hard work paid off in a grand style!

Nneka got a job with the Australian government as a product analyst ?. Guess what? The pay was just divine. Congratulations Nneka! 

We are happy to see our students start their careers and excel at them. It was not the easiest journey but we are glad we were there to make it better and worthwhile!

Nneka now has her dream job and the last time we spoke with her, she was really excited and loving it all.

Congratulations, Nneka, we are proud of you! 

“Heels & Tech is a blessing to women”

When asked about her thoughts about Heels and Tech, our darling Nneka almost drove us to tears with these words, “Heels and tech is a blessing to women/anyone that wants to break into the tech domain without any hassle. I’m so glad I took this training. I’m going to keep practicing Salesforce and get the certification, as I want to specialize in this area as a Salesforce Business Analyst. Thanks, Bisola for giving me this opportunity.”

Thank you for trusting us Nneka! You are truly an inspiration to a lot of women out there!

If Nneka Can Do It, You Can!

If anything, Nneka has proved that transitioning into tech with zero experience is possible! You can do it too. 
If you’d like to become a techie, no matter your level of experience and what you know about tech, just spare 30 seconds to go through our course catalog and enroll for the one that interests you. If you are unsure which course to enroll in, talk to us on any of our social media platforms or take the career quiz.

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