Business Analysis Student Stories

Adepeju – Lagos

Adepeju – Lagos

A little about your background

I am Adepeju, a lawyer by profession but I have always found myself holding post outside my legal role, I didn’t think those roles were business Analyst roles until I started the course and then I knew I have been a BA for roughly 5years now.

Your experience during the 4 weeks training..about the tools and project

Hmmm, I won’t lie, every penny paid was worth it. The collaboration with my team mates, the exposure to the tools and then the project we worked on made the whole BA training a really hands on experience. Which was mind blowing  for me.

About your trainer

Petrina, Petrina, Petrina.. she is amazing!!! Patient and always willing to explain. Her priority is making you understand before moving on to the next topic. Thanks for being a great facilitator Petrina.

About Heels and Tech

God bless the founder of heels and tech. You have no idea how your platform is helping people regain their confidence and giving them something to look up to. Thanks for not just giving us a platform to learn but also going out of your way connecting  with your students on a personal level.

Finally about the renewed mindset

I am taking control and I can archive anything I put my mind into. It’s mind over matter.