Business Analysis Student Stories

Kefe – Lagos, Nigeria

Kefe – Lagos, Nigeria

A little about your background

I am a hospital pharmacist, practicing for over 18 years, with a background in clinical pharmacy, public health, supply chain, research and retail sales. I am open to new challenges, hence I look for every opportunity to take on new projects and make improvements around my workspace; especially in the area of improving work process with the
use of technology. Although I have acquired some computer skills on my own over the years , I knew I needed more professional touch to improve and strengthen them. In addition, I needed to achieve this by leveraging on an interactive training program. One blessed day, I came across Heels and tech on Instagram. I liked their vision and I decided to make enquiries, the next day, H and T was being promoted on You tube by a reliable channel and that was what strengthened my resolve to sign up for the BA course, even without having the funds at that time.

Your experience during the 6 weeks training..about the tools and project

The six weeks training I had, went by like a flash. I hardly realized that 6 weeks had passed because the training was beyond hands-on. We had a project to deliver in such a short timeframe and this completely transformed me into a Business Analyst by the end of the 2nd week! The tools were awesome and I wish I knew about them earlier, as my previous projects would have been much easier. I got to learn how to use MS office, Jira, Canva and lucid chart. I really liked creating the process flows and prototypes! At the end of the course, the “job strategies” sessions were super
amazing! I didn’t realize that my professional background was much more than I thought it was!

About your trainer

I would still be making an understatement if I made any comment about Petrina. She is so soft spoken, yet highly professional and firm! She demanded a positive mindset and an input of 110% from us, and she never settled for less! Very energetic and available to all, even on a personal level. Henceforth, she’s my role model and gold standard for an instructor.

About Heels and Tech

Heels & Tech is a unique online Edutech organization with a personal touch! Their vision carters for the needs of a high proportion of the world population. All staff, including the CEO are within your reach. They don’t leave the job for the instructors alone – they are there to monitor the trainings and evaluate the outcomes, ensuring that they support their students help them catch up. In fact, they ensure that no one is left behind! Kudos to the H&T team! My sincerest appreciation goes to you.

Finally about the renewed mindset

I have been highly inspired by Heels and Tech, to harness my tech skills worth more than I think. I know what direction I should be headed and I believe I can achieve much more than I’m already doing.