Business Analysis Student Stories

Ibukun – Finland

Ibukun – Finland

A little about your background

I have a bachelors degree in communication Studies, master’s degree in media studies and also some years of experience as a human resources person . I want to transition to tech fully thats the reason why i chose to apply for the BA course with Heels and Tech and it has been a worthwhile experience

Your experience during the 6 weeks training..about the tools and project

Well as usual when you start something new, something you have no clue about, one tends to get confused and frustrated at the beginning but as you give yourself into the whole process then you start to understand more and more and you start enjoying the whole process. That’s how my process has been, also the workload has been tedious but it’s worth the time and effort at the end of the day.

About your trainer

Petrina is just an awesome human being so positive and she takes her time with us teaching us like kids ?. she is someone everybody would like to have as a teacher and she relates with us like we have known each other for a long time. I must say this though at the beginning of the class i didn’t feel this way and i guess its was because the whole course was new and confusing to me ?

About Heels and Tech

I liked the whole idea behind the company heels and tech because they give you the practical hands-on approach to their courses. The courses are valid in the real world and also the owner Bisola has been such a wonderful friend? to me and mentor , she relates with me and everyone like she is family and we like that about her. The whole company is just too good to be true, the more reason i am coming back for more courses and of course Heels and Tech has become part of my life and story.

Finally about the renewed mindset

Now I believe that nothing you set your mind to can’t be done or achieved as long as you endure the horrid beginnings there is a light at the end of the tunnel. BA for me has changed my mindset that anything is possible as long as you want it for yourself. A month ago i had no idea of what BA is but now i can say i have more than a clue and also hands-on experience which will help me in the real world.