How to Transition To Tech in a Developed Country (Canada, Australia, UK, US, Europe)

Technology is the new oil. Getting a tech job in this time and age is like working in an oil Company. This video will be useful if you wish to relocate to the UK, US, Europe, Canada or Australia and wish to start a new life.

Companies globally are downsizing and are adopting technology to fit today’s reality. Guess what, while some are losing their jobs, some are getting hired in Tech roles.

This Question and Answer Session was organized because I found out a lot of people want to transition into Tech companies but are totally clueless. Also, there is this misconception that all Tech roles requires CODING…which is totally untrue.

I’m happy to inform you that, there are tech roles that do not require coding and you can easily transition by combining your former role whether as an entrepreneur, lawyer, HSE officer or a banker and getting trained by acquiring some digital skills.