
How To Not Lose Your Mind As A Stay-Home Mom

How To Not Lose Your Mind As A Stay-Home Mom

How To Not Lose Your Mind As A Stay-Home Mom

Being a stay at home mom is a job that is extremely underrated. Do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind from everything you have to handle by just staying at home with your kids? As a stay at home mom, one good activity that can be utilized well is simply by learning the art of making money while the stay at home phase evolves. Oh yeah, I just got your attention. 

At this point, we raise our glasses to give a toss to you for doing such a tedious task. You’re the true sage of Motherhood, Cheers!

Getting started is quite simple. What if we sell you a few courses in this regard which can aid you in making thousands of naira as though you were actually having your office hours work, would you like to get started?

We offer Premium Tech courses which can help you a great deal even in this phase.

This will surely enable you to catch up with your peers and other colleagues, whose working status may have made you feel like you were not doing much more or living your best life yet.

Let’s get on these fireballs, they are yours and won’t burn you a bit.


Oh Yeah! It got your attention right!  Let’s make the process more seamless and easy.

For most moms who are asked who comes first in their homes, they are most likely to say it’s the kids. The truth is that if you don’t take care of yourself as one of the vital pillars of the home, you won’t be able to juggle effectively and hence can’t take care of the home as well. 

Putting yourself first really stands out for a stay-at-home mom and we hope this reason makes you see it from a better perspective. It simply implies that you are the engine of the home and you have to be cared for and supported, otherwise, the whole family suffers.


Sadly, many men have clinged to tech as their thing, it’s more like a birth right but that’s far from the truth. Many women are also doing the most just like the founder of YouTube Susan Wojcicki, Whitney Wolfe Herd, CEO of Bumble, Melanie Perkins, CEO of Canva and Julia Hartz, co-founder of Eventbrite. 

The list goes on and you can surely be on that list shortly.

Tech is actually not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s assumed that one can simply grab a skill and earn millions starting from the next flip. Fortunately, even while that old wives fables may suffice where necessary, Heels & Tech is here to put you through, by helping you to do it right. We care about your growth in your career and that’s why we’re letting you know this exclusive information: It’s more about what adds the most value to you, making you feel fulfilled, and less about the money.


When it comes to the many specialty areas of information technology, there are some main categories that they fall under. One way to take the very first step towards picking an IT career path is to choose which major target area sounds ideal for you.

If you want to transition into tech but you are scared to write lines and lines of code, relax. Several tech careers do not need you to write a single line of code. Some of the tech career categories that do not require coding skills are:

• SAP HR Success Factors

• Product Design

• Product Marketing

• Data Analytics

• Business Analysis

• Salesforce Administration

•  Product Management 

•  Bioinformatics 


Starting a new hobby can put you in more stable states and situations. You should also know that this can further increase productivity as well. Would you mind taking up any of the courses listed above.

How would you feel to go by any of those titles of introducing yourself to a prospective company as a Data Analyst. 

Funny right, it worked many times for our students at Heels & Tech.

These little things can make a huge difference in your emotional health and how your household operates.


The call to motherhood also entails being a Leader because you’re surely leading your home. A very vital skill that makes a good leader is the act of delegating responsibilities. It makes jobs to be done faster and more efficiently. 

Delegate age-appropriate household tasks to the kids who are of age to handle some tasks. The home burdens become lesser and easy to take on. When it bugs too much, you should be able to talk to your partner about it. 

A happy mom once said : “Talking to my husband about my feelings, I was happier and less stressed out”. I think you should try this too. 

The crispy part of this is that when you do, you’ll be able to efficiently add more values to your life with our courses as you manage your time well.


The need to always stay fit can’t be over emphasized. Exercising your body asserts the body as having its own needs, which can be a powerful reminder of yourself”. The key to this however is to  pick up physical activities that you genuinely enjoy. 

When you regularly exercise the body, it’s more likely to yield more productivity in your activities and keep you all kit up for your activities. 

Taking up a course on Data Analysis will expose you to the beautiful nature of data and how it’s interoperable with the daily activities of life.

I won’t tell you more, go hit the link button and discover the lots of packs there.


Succeeding in tech can be the easiest thing you could have ever done if you follow the right processes. It’s good to know you’re still checked in. The truth is that you can be what you want to be, don’t forget that!

We’re pretty sure that if you give it a trial, you would be really surprised by how smoothly you’ll transition from this phase into a more beautiful one even as you take a peek at us.

We believe in the thousands of women who read our articles. We know you will make the best decision in your career, especially after reading this article. Here on, We do encourage you take that bold step in signing up for any of our courses here.

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