Blog Student Testimonials

From Account Officer to Business Analyst

From Account Officer to Business Analyst

We love to tell our students transition stories. Here’s a story about an engineering graduate who successfully transitioned into tech.

Our women are goal setters and goal getters. It is always beautiful watching our students finish their training and land jobs in an industry they love. Not just any jobs, but really cool paying jobs.

You don’t want to miss Miriam’s story! It’d surely inspire you.

“I had no prior knowledge of IT”

Miriam is a woman! She is smart, brilliant, and talented. Before she met us, she had no prior experience in internet technology and was not very sure what the industry had in store for her. She studied engineering at a notable university in Nigeria but was not practicing at the time. She got a job at a bank as an account officer, and she was doing pretty well.

As time went by, Miriam thought it wise to travel out of her country, Nigeria, to seek bigger opportunities and experience life through different lenses. While preparing to become a Canadian immigrant, she knew she couldn’t leave one thing out — a marketable skill! Miriam knew she needed something she could hold on to in Canada;  something that could get a job that would fetch her cool money. She wanted to be nothing less than comfortable in Canada, and she was prepared to work hard for it. 

Miriam found us on Instagram and told us about her interest in tech and how she wanted to transition into the tech industry. We were glad to help and together we figured out the right course for her to take — Business Analysis. Considering her background in business accounting, it was a great fit, and a role she could easily adjust into.

She said, “I studied engineering, but work as an account officer in a bank and I have no prior knowledge of IT.”

Miriam had lots of personal responsibilities to handle so it wasn’t so easy attending live classes consistently, doing group projects, or assignments. To succeed, Miriam knew she had to put some more effort into it. She gave it her best and found that things were not as difficult as they appeared at first. 

She said, “It has been a whole new learning experience in the last 6 weeks of training as a business analyst. It has been very insightful and helpful. I learned about tools and terms used as a BA and even participated in a real-life project, creating solutions for a company.”

Now that’s the Heels and Tech effect! We are glad we were able to make that difference with Miriam. She had a wonderful trainer who made sure she was never left behind and she understood all her lessons. 

Here’s what she had to say about her trainer, “Our Petrina was a very wonderful and patient instructor who ensured that we were following and understood everything taught. She’s a great teacher.”

After completing the course, Miriam confessed that she felt prepared to take on any BA role and nail it like the professional she had become. She was ready for the tech world and was about to take it by storm.

From Account Officer to Business Analyst

Not long after completing her Business Analysis course, she reached out saying she would like to take the Salesforce Administrator course. Now that’s a lady who is eager to grow and one who is convinced we can help her achieve her goals.

“I Now Head a Customer Satisfaction Team”


Miriam, a one-time account officer in a bank, got a major role in a tech startup in Lagos, Nigeria! She rose really fast in her career and in no time was assigned to lead a customer satisfaction team! 

All we see is growth and Miriam reaching for the stars! We are glad we got to play a role in her achieving her dreams and we’d like to help you too. 

What Miriam Had to Say About Heels and Tech.

Miriam made us so teary with her feedback. Cheers to creating more impact in the lives of women in Africa and around the globe.

In Miriam’s words, “Thank you Heels and Tech for creating this platform for transitioning into Tech. I appreciate your time and effort in organizing free and paid training to help us upskill ourselves and discover new potentials. 

With the new insight I have, I feel like I’m ready to be a professional BA and delve into the Tech world.”

Thank you, Miriam! We are rooting for you all the way!

You’re next!

Yes, you!

You can become the next woman to steal our headlines. You can become the next woman with an inspiring success story that would encourage other women out there.

You can transition into tech, and you don’t need to know how to code or use big big gadgets. We have simple courses that can teach you lucrative marketable skills.

Check out our course catalog, and enroll in any that piques your interest. You can also message us on Instagram @heelsandtech if you are not sure which course is best for you.

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