
8 Benefits of Acquiring Salesforce Skills

8 Benefits of Acquiring Salesforce Skills

8 Benefits of Acquiring Salesforce Skills

Finally, we are at the peak of the mountain. For a while now, we’ve been sharing with you specific posts on Salesforce. Like, “What is a Salesforce Admin?“, and the “Best Way  to Learn Salesforce“.   Well, today we will be talking about the benefits of acquiring Salesforce skills. Bet you’ve been waiting for it since forever. Let’s get to it 🙂

This article contains figures obtained from Salesforce and Glassdoor.

Attractive Pay

Let’s be honest, a big fat pay is important when choosing a career. A pay that sorts the bills and leaves enough extra for some self care luxury. 

Take for instance the average salary these Salesforce professionals get yearly.  

  • A Salesforce developer gets $75,286
  • A Salesforce Consultant gets $88,763
  • A Salesforce Business Analyst gets $89,461
  • A Salesforce Administrator gets $94,645
  • A Salesforce technical architect earns $138,569 while the solution architect earns $143,877

That’s some mouthwatering pay if you ask me. You didn’t ask me but I’ll say anyway 🙂

Ease of Getting A Job

Yes, acquiring Salesforce skills can help you get jobs easily. That’s because the Salesforce ecosystem continues to grow at an amazing rate. 

Presently, over 150,000 companies use Salesforce to automate their operations and that number keeps growing. 

That’s not all. According to new research by IDC, the Salesforce ecosystem will create a total of 4.2 trillion jobs by 2024. That’s a big pie sis. You get a slice, I get a slice, Everyone gets a slice.

Another fascinating thing is how this career gives so many job opportunities to beginners just starting out. Like zero work experience. 

Why’s that? Well, learning Salesforce develops your  analytical skills, and problem-solving skills. Skills employers consider priority when selecting candidates. Provided you worked on real-life projects during the course of your learning.

Flexible Work Location

Salesforce is a cloud software. That means it is accessible to operators anywhere and anytime. Choosing Salesforce as a career means you can find remote jobs. A yummy option  for you if you wish to work for international companies, or a parent who wants to have quality family-time while working, or simply don’t find the idea of commuting to an office everyday appealing.

Opportunity to advance in your career

Another thing about Salesforce is the range it has when it comes to career opportunities. Some professions in Salesforce are like stairs. You attain one, the next level is already known. That sounded like French, even to me. Let me explain.

The first step is to become a Salesforce Administrator. It’s the foundational career in salesforce. Once you master that with substantial field experience, you are set to elevate as a Salesforce Architect or consultant. 

If you take a Salesforce course together with a  business analysis course, you get to climb the stairs for a Salesforce Business Analyst. On and on it goes. You get the drill.

You become an essential worker 

Many people lost their jobs during the 2020 pandemic. But essential workers were unaffected. 

Basically, acquiring Salesforce skills makes you an essential worker in whatever company that chooses to work with you.

If you were to come up with key departments of a company, what would they be? You would mention sales, marketing, finance and customer service among a few. 

The salesforce software brings the data used in those departments all in one place – the cloud. Data is very important to the successful running of any company. So will you, the data controller :). 

It boosts your CV or resume

Salesforce is the world’s number one CRM (customer relationship management) software. Now you come with a badge that says “Operating the #1 CRM tool is a piece of cake over here”. Imagine what that does to your CV alone. 

Companies within the same industry bank on retaining their customers and acquiring new ones. That’s because products are now similar. Look at the  ‘dark mode’ feature. Personally, I don’t recall who made it first but I know for sure, almost every application has it now. The focus has shifted to customers now more than ever, to remain competitive.

You having the operational skills for Salesforce in the bag will make your CV stand out every single time. You gon be in your bag sis. 

You can work in any industry or sector

Remember when I shared that over 150,000 companies use Salesforce? Thing is you can work in any industry that interacts with their customers. Sis, that’s like every industry.

Let’s list some:

  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Entertainment
  • Manufacturing
  • E-commerce
  • The government

As long as that industry deals with data and wants to reduce the bulk of paper flying around the office, there will always be a need for a CRM software that can keep it compact and accessible. That in turn means there will always be a slot available for a professional as you to come in, and operate it for them.

You can sell your knowledge as a trainer 

If you have a passion for impacting people with your knowledge then, this benefit of learning Salesforce may appeal to you. 

You can sell your knowledge and experience in operating Salesforce both offline and online. 

An example of an online platform you could teach on is ours. Yes, you can become a Salesforce teacher right here on Heels and Tech. You could also teach on other learning platforms like Udemy, and Edureka. Not bad at all.


Did you start reading this post looking to get convinced to start learning Salesforce? Well, with these goodies shared, I bet your fingers are just about itching to sign up. 

Well what are you waiting for? Start and finish the learning phase of your career as a Salesforce Administrator, Salesforce App Developer, and Business Analyst with us. We can’t wait for you to be part of our community.

Stop thinking about it sis. Leap in. Don’t forget to apply to jobs as you learn. Thank me later 🙂

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