
5 Best Tech Courses For Women Of Color

5 Best Tech Courses For Women Of Color

5 Best Tech Courses For Women Of Color

You’ve got the first things covered: you’re interested in tech and you want to know the best tech courses for women of color to choose and learn a skill from. 

Now, you just want to find the right tech course for you. For the woman who is familiar with the different career options in tech, this might sound easier than it really is. For the woman who is not familiar with the different career options in tech, this might sound tougher than it really is. You can take this quiz if you want to know what tech courses are right for you.

It’s not that tough. Relax… you’ll get a full grasp of everything as you continue reading.

Additionally, tech jobs are by far one of the hottest jobs right now: six-figure salaries, casual office attire, cool devices, remote working options, etc. Thanks to the numerous self-awareness campaigns launched to bring women to understand that they are powerful and they can be what they want to be, several women are trooping into the tech industry and taking it over by storm.

It’s probably crossed your mind at some point that there could be tech roles particular to men only and there are the minor ones women can try. This information is far from true; women are steadily navigating into the previously male-dominated world of tech. 

Student Testimonials

Women of color are rising above racism, discrimination, and many challenges to become leading experts in various tech careers. Only one thing can stop you from achieving your dreams and goals, whether you are a woman of color or not. That one thing is your mindset. Also, having the right mindset is very important. That is why mentors and course facilitators at Heels and Tech ensure they guide women transitioning into tech, the right attitude to work and its challenges. Here are a few testimonials from students who have enrolled in our courses:

Victoria – Aspiring Business Analyst

“I’ve learnt a lot..

Just one week and I’ve got a lot of confidence on myself…

I can boldly say I would be a business consultant/analyst after this training….”

Mma I. – Aspiring Data Analyst

5 best Tech courses for women of color

“Saying that the Heels and Tech data analytics course is enlightening would be saying the least. The rich course content and the teaching style employed by the facilitator is beyond amazing. I would have no hesitation in taking a course with them again; all my expectations were fully met. Thank you for being awesome!”

Aderonke Adebayo – Ex-student

“The training opened me up to a whole new world and I am optimistic about it.” 

Ali Dot – Ex-student

5 best Tech courses for women of color

“Am enjoying the classes and the assignments on trailblazers (I have earned 2 badges) learning new and exciting stuff. No challenges at the moment.” 

Are you inspired?

You need the right mindset to achieve anything. When it comes to defining yourself, it’s more about you than the other person. These 10 courses are some of the best tech courses for women of color who have the mindset of a goal-getter; a relentless goal-getter. Is that you? Then go ahead and check out these 10 courses that can help you transition into tech as a woman of color.

Business Analysis

5 best Tech courses for women of color

Business Analysis is the strength of any business. As a business analyst, you are a major powerhouse in any organization. Business Analysis isn’t tough, it is something you can do if you put your mind to it. If you’re not familiar with the term business analysis, it’d be an injustice to not take a short break here and define who a Business Analyst is:

A business analyst is a link between the non-technical and technical sides of a business. You can also refer to them as the most popular tech people among business owners all over the world. A business analyst is needed by any company that wishes to increase efficiency, cut costs, and, of course, increase income.

Let’s continue! Your job as a business analyst is to offer credible suggestions that should improve the way an organization works. Amazing isn’t it? 

What’s going on in your thoughts may be a round table meeting with one person standing in front of scary faces proposing a potentially faulty notion. Or a woman gnawing on something in front of her computer. But, no, business analysis is more enjoyable, and it’s also a hire cake job in today’s computer environment.

Just being a business analyst allows you to use your creative ability and stand out to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. In fact, business analysis is one of the most sort after tech courses for women of color.

If you’re looking at the right place to learn Business Analysis from the best of the best, click here to enroll in the Business Analysis course.

Data Analytics

5 best Tech courses for women of color

With data dictating the economy’s future, many people have made a rewarding career out of studying data. Moreover, data has a large influence on our online interactions, communications networks, and survival in a digitally developing environment.

Women are making a massive contribution to the data sector. And more than ever, now is the opportunity for you, as a woman, to stand up and make a huge impact in this field. Data Analysts are in high demand and earn a lot of money. So, if you’re seeking a job where you can learn, stretch, and grow, this is the job for you!

Data analysts are experts who assist organizations in collecting, sorting, organizing, and analyzing data related to the organization’s productivity. In addition, as a data analyst, you have to make sense of all the digital data that organizations have access to regularly. Organizations can make powerful and remarkably effective business judgments if they have the correct facts. As a result, a data analyst is extraordinarily powerful.

You too can become one of the amazing data experts in the world today by just taking one step closer to your dreams and enrolling in the Data Analytics Course. 

Product Design

5 best Tech courses for women of color

Product design is one of the best tech courses for women of color. Do you love to create things from scratch? All from the core of your imagination? Then you will love product design!

Product design is all about creating or designing a  product. A product can be anything, it could be a light bulb or an app. So, a product designer can design digital or physical products. However, in recent times, product design has become closely linked with digital products such as web applications or software. Product designers who design physical products are often referred to as industrial designers. Whenever you see a job application for product designers, it’s most likely for digital products, unless stated otherwise. 

To become a great product designer, you must have a great knowledge of the use of colors, typography, detail, and other elements of design. You must also learn how to build prototypes, wireframes, and journey maps.

Product design is one of the best career options in tech today. You too can become a great designer by taking our Product Design Course.

Product marketing

Product marketing course for women of color

Do you love to sell? Or are you working in finance already and want to transition into tech? You might want to become a product marketer.

Product marketing is one of the best tech roles you can find today. It primarily has to do with introducing a product to an audience and getting them to use it. It is perhaps the tech role for you if you are good at convincing people to take an action, you might most likely find product marketing interesting. 

As a product designer, you get to do much more than bring a product to market. After a product is created, a product marketer conveys its worth to the marketplace by devising innovative ways to contact and start engaging target audiences.

You also get to determine the product’s position in the market and messaging,  introduce it, and work to ensure that sales professionals and customers are aware of it. Product marketing tries to increase product demand and utilization.

It is not a tough nut to crack, it is doable, and with the right teachers, and the right amount of learning and practice, nothing can stop you from becoming a product marketer. Join our Product Marketing Course to be on your way to becoming a product marketer.

Product Management

Product management course for women of color

Product management is sometimes confused with product marketing. What might aid this confusion is that when you look at job descriptions at tech companies, you’ll notice that roles and responsibilities often intersect.  Product management and product marketing are not the same, however.

Unlike product marketers, product managers are not responsible for selling a product to an audience. Product managers are in charge of supervising the product development teams. They also collaborate across departments, continually collecting customer feedback and turning it into great plans to improve the product.

Also, a product manager makes sure that products that have been introduced into the market are built on time and that it meets consumer needs. It is no surprise that it is indeed one of the best tech courses that women of color are excelling in.

Moreover, you too can become such an amazing professional, working closely with teams to ensure that a product is built and distributed well. To become a badass product manager, take our Product Marketing Course.

Did you find the right fit?

Finally, we’ve come a long way already, did you find a course that piqued your interest?

Was it Product Design, Business Analysis, Product Management, or Product Marketing? Whatever it is, we are sure that with our super-efficient team of tutors and mentors, you’ll become the best at it if you enroll in any of our courses. As a woman of color, you deserve to be seen and your impact felt, pick a course today and let us help you gain the relevant skills you need to thrive.
Pick a course today and stay colorful in a fading world. Heels and Tech supports you all the way.

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